Renewing Your License in Texas

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Eligibility Read the full for using the online renewal and address change application. And how do you know if it was or was not out of my hands? Last for must add up to 10,20, or 30.

The system is available 7 days per week, 24 hours per day except for routine maintenance down time. After receiving your new driver license or ID, invalidate your old card by cutting it up. You can on the DPS website.

Renewing Your License in Texas - Is there an age limit to renew my driver license or ID card online?

When you see the green expert checkmark on a wikiHow article, you know that the article has received careful review by a qualified expert. If you are on a medical article, that means that it was co-authored by an actual doctor, nurse or other medical professional from our medical review board. Similarly, veterinarians work with us to co-author our pet articles, lawyers for our legal articles, and other experts work with us to co-author articles based on their specific areas of expertise. This particular article was expert co-authored by Former Civil Litigator. How to Change an Address of a Drivers License in Texas If you live in Texas and move to a new address, you are required to notify the Texas Department of Public Safety DPS of your address change within 30 days. Texas residents can use one of several options to change the address on their driver's license. The primary methods are online, by mail, or in person; alternatively, you can also make the change by telephone. If you are prepared, the process is relatively straightforward and should not be too time-consuming. Verify that you are eligible. To change your address online, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. Verify that you are eligible for the telephone service. To change your address by telephone, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. At several office locations but not all , you are able to schedule an appointment online, in order to minimize your waiting time at the office.


After you request a new license or ID, you will receive it in the mail in two to three weeks, no matter what method you used to request it. So when you have to go back in to get a renewal, they will give you a new DPS audit number. You can choose to receive EITHER a REAL ID or a non-compliant license upon your renewal—details are outlined below. Audit number texas under 21 id. You should keep the temporary license with your old card until the new one arrives. If I change my audit number on drivers license tx online will my expiration date change. Renewal fees vary depending on your age and the type of driver's license you have. If you choose to renew your driver's license in your absence, follow the guide for mail-in renewal below. Daniel has a positive feedback rating of 92. Veteran Exemptions If you are a disabled veteran and not already receiving a fee exemption for your TX driver's license, you can apply for the exemption when you renew. And you may not like law enforcement procedures, but I bet you will appreciate law enforcement if you ever are a victim of a crime.